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Mint Lift

An innovative treatment to lift the face without scarring or down time.
Designed with a special biodegradable suture that pulls up the sagging skin tissues on the face.
What are MINT LIFT Threads?
MINT lift®, is a safe and effective molding PDO thread to lift soft tissues in sagging skin, has gotten approval by FDA and MFDS. It is minimal invasive treatment without scars and trauma, back to daily life right after the procedure.
What can be treated with MINT LIFT Threads?
* Fine lines and wrinkles
* Neck and bust
* Bags under the eyes
* Lips and around the mouth (Marionette Lines)
* Sagging chin or cheeks
* Crow's feet
* Naso-labial folds (smile lines)
* Sagging skin on knees, stomach and arms
Before the treatment
Explain your expectations to your medical practitioner.
Avoid painkillers such as Aspirin two weeks before treatment. Paracetamol can be used if necessary.
24 hours before treatment avoid alcohol, smoking and hot fluids.
Inform your medical practitioner about the following:
* If you have noticed any infection or inflammation.
* If you’ve had any dental treatments.
* If you have received any treatment in the area.
* If you are currently on any medication.
After the treatment
Immediately after the treatment you may experience local swelling and bruising.
Avoid dental surgery for 7 days after procedure.
Avoid any facial massages or beauty treatments in the area for 7 days.
Cleanse your skin gently on the treated area.
Avoid high intensity or contact sport/exercise.
Avoid make up for 24 hours.
Sleep on your back for 7 days.
Should you experience any pain or discomfort, please call Dr Zipp on 011 792 1616
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