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Non-invasive fat removal

Lipogon is a non-invasive injectable which vacate those stubborn fat deposits that seem to have taken permanent residence on our thighs, hips and buttocks.

The treatment involves (mostly) painless micro injections that penetrate the targeted fat layer beneath the skin. One of the active ingredients include Phosphatidylcholine (PPC), which is a component of Soy Lecithin, which has the power to remove fat permanently.

During the application, active substances lead to “cracking” of the membranes of fat cells in the targeted area and “outpouring” of their content into the neighbouring tissue. From there, via the bloodstream, the fat is transported to the liver and later metabolised.


Areas that can be treated:

  • Fat around chin area

  • Fat around the waist

  • Inner thighs

  • Abdomen

  • Upper arms

  • Knees and ankles



Although this is a non-invasive procedure and patients can return to their normal day-to-day activities almost immediately. There are a few precautions, such as:

  • Avoid hot showers/baths for first 8 hours from receiving treatment.


Although a mostly painless procedure, patients may experience some discomfort from the injection prick, such as:

  • Swelling

  • Redness

  • Light bruising

  • Burning sensations


The Results

Patients usually start to notice the results 2 weeks after receiving the treatment, although this is dependent on one’s age, skin type, weight and lifestyle. A follow up treatment is required 6-8 weeks later.


The cost is estimated at R325 per injection. The number of injections required is subjective to the amount of fat in the treated area.

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